Indigenous Montessori Powwow Dancers Mobile

Indigenous Montessori Powwow Dancers Mobile
“Indigenous Montessori Powwow Dancers Mobile”
The Powwow has evolved into an intertribal celebration of culture and shared dancing, resembled here in the #Niniijaanis Indigenous Montessori Powwow Dancers Mobile, brought to you by Brook LaFloe. Made on Occupied Anishinaabe/Dakota Territory | Saint Paul, MN.
Hand made by Brook LaFloe
Curriculum included with purchase
Read more about the mobile in our journal “The Powwow Trail”
Hung on 7.8in Hoop
Bamboo wooden hoop
Cotton and transparent thread
Double sided holographic dancers (4)
Investments ($30.00)
50% ($15) Directly to artist Brook LaFloe
50% ($15) fundraised for Niniijaanis Giveaways